That's right...I was on the Today show last Thursday. Don't rush to your recordings of the morning show just yet. Unfortunately, the only part of me that made it out from behind the HUGE sign and camera-hogging people in front of me was my left eyeball and about half of my forehead. And that was for about .25 seconds. But, I was satisfied. I mean, it was national television. It was an early (4 a.m.) and random morning to the city but I can now cross that off of my list.
In other news, I am officially back in Idaho in less than a week! Woo hoo! My summer has been amazing and there are still a few things that I have left to tackle this weekend when my friend Kristin visits but for the most part I am ready to get back normal life. My refreshed brain and inner self has many new ideas about life and who I am wanting to be and becoming. That's what contemplating life for 4 hours on the beach a day does for you. I also have laid out my classroom and made about 6 to-do lists for when I get back to 201 N. 1st Street.